Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If I Can Change History

If I can change the history of the Philippines I will surely change the electing of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) for president,because today's in our country's economic is very different than President Corazon "Cory" Aquino's time of leading the Philippines.If you compare the Aquino and Arroyo's leading of the country?Which is bad?And I know that you know what is the answer of that question.
I believe if I erase GMA In the presidency of the Philippines our country's economic will be rising 'cause there is no corruption happening and the residents feel much more comfortable because there is no difficult economic problem to deal with.
In the senate there are no senators arguing about the Philippine financial crisis if she's not the leader of the country,that's why I will surely change the history of electing GMA as the president of the Philippines.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My 10 Steps In Going To School

1.) I wake up early in the morning to prepare my breakfast,I usually eat everyday PRITO NA ITLOG(fried egg).
2.) Then followed by preparing my school uniform like ironing it.
3.) Afterwards,I take a bath to make my self feels better and to avoid manimaho og anghit (bad odor).
4.) After that I need to wait for my friend Ruth 'coz sometimes she wait to me even I'm not yet done eating my breakfast.
5.) In going school I usually LAKAW (walk) because my house is a little bit near in my school so i don't have to ride POT-POT (tricycle) to get there.
6.) Then, I need to go to my friend's house to join them walking along towards school 'coz base in my observation filipinos loves to walk by group.
7.) When I am inside in school campus I go to my respective room to "CHIKA" sa akong amigo (to get an update or daily school news).
8.) After I chika with my friends I ask my classmate for our assignment, it's just for reminding myself for all of the things to do.Then followed by our flag ceremony and our daily exercise.
9.) We wait for the fourth year CAT students to dismiss.
10.) Afterwards,I go to my respective room for class.

Monday, June 8, 2009

my first blog

hi there.........welcome to my very first blogspot i hope you liked it